Sick Day Management Guide for Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes: Sick Day Management Guide (On Tablets & Insulin)
How does illness affect your blood glucose levels (BGLs)?
Illness usually causes a rise in blood glucose levels due to the effects of stress hormones made by the body.
Illness such as chest or urinary tract infections can cause your BGLs to rise.
Having a sick day plan can manage your BGLs.
What to do when you’re sick:
Monitor your blood glucose levels (BGLs). If higher than 15mmol/L for 8-12 hours start following your sick day plan.
Check your BGL every 2-4 hours until you are back in the target recommended to you.
Keep drinking and if possible, eating, to prevent dehydration and low BGLs.
Aim for 1 cup of fluids every 1-2 hours
Try small meals like dry toast, crackers, biscuits or plain rice.
If you are vomiting or unable to keep food down, go to your nearest hospital.
Managing your diabetes medications:
If you are taking diabetes tablets or a non-insulin injection, continue to take these even if you are not eating.
Tablets to stop if your are vomiting or unable to eat:
Metformin brand names: Diabex, Diabex XR, Diaformin, Diaformin XR Glucobete, Glucophage, Metex XR, Formet
SGLT@ inhibitor brand names: Forxiga, Steglatro, Jardiance
Combination brand names: Xigduo XR, Jardiamet, Glyxambi, Segluromet, Qtern, Steglujan.